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Nurturing Young Minds the Montessori Way

Welcome to Little Ruggers Montessori, where we believe in the potential of every child. Through our innovative Montessori method, we instill life skills and create a well-rounded educational experience that sets the stage for lifelong learning. Located in the beautiful Estuary, Little Ruggers Montessori provides a space where children can develop critical thinking skills, creativity, and a love of learning that will stay with them for years to come. 

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Montessori way

“Help me do it myself” ~  Maria Montessori


The Montessori method for preschool education is a unique and effective approach that fosters a child’s holistic development. In a Montessori preschool, children engage in purposeful play, learning individually and at their own pace. Here are some key aspects of the Montessori approach:

1.     Child-Centered Learning: Unlike traditional classrooms, where teachers lead lessons for the entire class, Montessori preschools emphasize individual exploration. Children move freely around the room, choosing from a wide range of hands-on, age-appropriate activities. These activities are thoughtfully designed to teach specific skills.

2.     Customized Environment: In a Montessori Early Childhood classroom, highly trained teachers create a welcoming and home-like space. Instead of desks, you’ll find children working individually or in small groups at tables or on the floor. Specially designed manipulative materials engage their senses and invite exploration. Uninterrupted blocks of work time allow children to immerse themselves in activities without interruption.

3.     Self-Directed Learning: The Montessori Method encourages self-confidence, independent thought, and critical thinking. Children take ownership of their education by choosing meaningful and challenging work based on their interests and abilities. This child-directed engagement strengthens motivation and supports attention.

4.     Education for Peace: Montessori education emphasizes peace, social justice, and global citizenship. Children learn to respect all people and living things while acquiring tools for peaceful conflict resolution.



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